Thought I'd post the information for this raffle, as the cost of the San Francisco conference is still oh-so-fresh in my memory. And I'm fairly certain D.C. won't be any less expensive!
Raffle tickets cost $5.00 each or three for $10.00. Not bad for a chance to defray your conference costs.
This one is sponsored by the Valley Forge Romance Writers and proceeds benefit the Sheila A. Conway Memorial Fund, which helps financially strapped writers.
Good Luck!
P.S. I saw this on the contest loop and permission to forward was granted.
*******permission to forward granted*******
YES! We're doing it again!
Valley Forge Romance Writers Presents
The 2nd Annual VFRW Writer's Rafflemania!
The Prize: $ 1,500.00
To Defray Your Costs For... 2009 RWA National Conference Fee!
Held In Washington, DC
July 15-18, 2009
4 Nights Hotel Accommodations!
Roundtrip Airfare To Washington, DC!
See our winner from this year, Nancy Naigle &
Rules and entry information at:
Friday, September 05, 2008
Very Cool: VFRW and $1500
Posted by
6:42 AM